You have come to the right place!
Seniors make up a large segment of my business. My staff and I will do everything in our power to help, every step of the way. As part of our services already listed on the web site that all clients receive, you will get more. Much more.
If you need one of us to stop by your home and get your GIC renewal processed, no problem, (we will even bring coffee)! Need some money transferred into your bank account for Christmas gifts for the kids or grandkids. No problem, we will take care of it. Maybe it is time to update your will and you don’t wish to drive across town. We will get you to and from the lawyer’s office. Maybe you are missing one of your t slips and worried about getting your taxes filed on time. We will order duplicates and get them to your tax preparer fast. We have even been known to pick up clients at auto dealerships while their car is being serviced. Why, because we enjoy our clients and we enjoy helping out when it is appreciated. We could easily be talked into a game of golf, or breakfast one morning. If we can swing it we will do our best. That’s SERVICE.
Sometimes, it is just the very simple things clients appreciate that make the most difference. I have the ability to get clients talking privately with me about planning. Helping you think through your tax and estate issues, gifting options, trust or legacy wishes. Even difficult topics like funeral wishes and health care plans are topics that are of critical importance and high value. As seniors get older, the comfort in knowing that everything is tidy and in place frees you up to enjoy life.
We have many clients that have dealt with us for over a decade and it is a true pleasure. We will do our very best for you and help with extras to let you know your business and trust is sincerely appreciated. We will never have too many senior clients! You are the best and we love working with you.